Residency Unlimited

Maria Lynch

Artist Name: Maria Lynch Residency Dates: August 2013- March 2014 Born: 1981 Hometown: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Lives & Works: New Jersey, USA URL: Bio/Statement: Maria Lynch was born in 1981 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she lives and works. In 2008, she earned an MA and a Post-Graduate Diploma from Chelsea College of […]

Tashi Brauen

Artist Name: Tashi Brauen Residency Dates: 2013 Hometown: Zürich, Switzerland Lives & Works: Zürich, Switzerland Bio/Statement: Tashi Brauen lives and works in Zürich. He creates photographic images that isolate, recontextualize and re-present industrial and mass produced objects of everyday use.These objects are often phisically transformed and/or repainted before being photographed. This process explores the plasticity […]

Liang-Pin Tsao

Artist Name: Liang-Pin Tsao Residency Dates: 2013 Hometown: Taiwan Lives & Works: Taiwan Bio/Statement: Liang-Pin Tsao is currently based in Taipei, Taiwan. He graduated with an MA in Journalism at Cardiff University (2004) and an MFA at Pratt Institute (2012). His practice is guided by two mutually exclusive ideas: disinterestedness and sympathetic understanding. The former […]

I Ting Hou

Artist Name: I Ting Hou Residency Dates: 2013 Born: 1979 Hometown: Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Lives & Works: Taipei, Taiwan Bio/Statement: Born in 1979 in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, I Ting Hou lives and works in Taipei. I Ting received a Bachelor in Fine Arts at the Taipei National University of the Arts (2004), and a Master’s degree […]

Derek Brueckner

Artist Name: David Brueckner Residency Dates: July 2013 Hometown: Canada Lives & Works: Canada URL: Bio/Statement: Derek Brueckner engages in bodily performances and uses painting, drawing and video in his site-specific installations. He teaches in Winnipeg (Canada) at the University of Manitoba. He has exhibited in Canada, Europe and the United States including: Plug-In Institute […]

Dorte Jelstrup

Artist Name: Dorte Jelstrup Residency Dates: February – December 2024 Hometown: Denmark Lives & Works:  Denmark URL: Bio/Statement: Dorte Jelstrup lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. She holds an MA in Philosophy from The University of Copenhagen. Dorte Jelstrup has exhibited widely inside and outside Denmark. Upcoming shows include “The Beginning Is Always Today. Contemporary […]

Avigail Talmor

Artist Name: Avigail Talmor Residency Dates: 2013 Born: 1971 Hometown: Haifa, Israel URL: Bio/Statement: Avigail Talmor (b. Haifa, Israel 1971) lives and works in Tel-Aviv. She holds a Master of Arts in European Media from the faculty of Art, Media and Technology, at Utrecht School of the Arts, Utrecht, Holland, and an MFA from Portsmouth […]

Christopher Fulton

Curator Name: Christopher Fulton Residency Dates: June- July 2013 Bio/Statement: Christopher Fulton is a professor at the University of Louisville and scholar of Italian Renaissance and modern Mexican art. He has published a book on the Medici family’s art collection and numerous articles on Italian and Mexican topics. He has had experience working in museums […]

Arttu Merimaa

Artist Name: Arttu Merimaa Residency Dates: 2013 Hometown: Poland URL: Bio/Statement: Arttu Merimaa (born in Pori Finland 1983, lives and works in Helsinki) is an artist focusing on moving image and video installation. His videos deal with the merging of the common and the subjective; how personal experiences co-exist with the media culture and how […]

Rae Goodwin

Artist Name: Rae Goodwin Residency Dates:  2013 Hometown:Kentucky, USA URL: Bio/Statement: Rae Goodwin’s is an artist based in Lexington (Kentucky) whose work in performance, community engagement, photography, and sculpture examines the construction of identity, aspects of family history as it influences, maternal ancestry, as well as gender-based assumptions about freedom, the unknown and community. […]