Artist-in-Residence: Top Tips from Nathalie Anglès
Published on Aug 6, 2016 at Contemporary Lynx Interviewed by Dobromila Blaszczyk Edited by Maggie Kuzan How to prepare a good application? On what basis art residencies are selecting the applicants? What are they looking for in artists’ CVs, letters and projects? Read our interview and following tips from Nathalie Anglès — founder of and director […]
“Summer Therapy” featuring Alice Miceli and Virginia de Medeiros on
Summer Therapy New York Loves Brazilian Art Right Now, If These Thirty-Five Artists Showing This Season Are Any Indication AUGUST 4, 2016 BY TATIANE SCHILARO … Interested in the LGBTQ universe, Virginia de Medeiros used her residency to explore the voguing community in New York for an upcoming work. To conclude her stay in the […]
Özgür Demirci, Residency Unlimited’in Ağustos ayı programında
4 AÄUSTOS 2016. KÃLTÃRLÄ°MÄ° YORUM YAPIN ÃaÄdaÅ sanatın yaratımı, sunumu ve yayılımını desteklemek amacıyla yıl boyu sanatçı rezidansları ve kamusal programlar sunan, kar amacı gütmeyen bir organizasyon olan Residency Unlimitedâin AÄustos ayı programında Türkiyeâden Ãzgür Demirci de yer alıyor. Videolar, performanslar, objeler ve alana özgü yerleÅtirmeler üzerine çalıÅan Demirci, 1 AÄustos â 18 Eylül 2016 tarihleri […]
Residenties: Residency Unlimited (RU), on
21-07, 2016, by Sasha Dees (in Dutch) Mochten de kunstenaars onder jullie de smaak te pakken hebben na het lezen van het Art Omi artikel, zo zijn er meer ook in New York City zelf. Het Mondriaan Fonds ondersteunt al sinds jaar en dag een kunstenaar om voor een jaar in residentie te gaan bij ISCP […]
Jodi Waynberg from AAI Interviewed by Cultural Services of the French Embassy
Jodi Waynberg is the Executive Director of Artists Alliance Inc, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the careers of emerging and underrepresented artists and curators through residencies, exhibitions, and commissioned projects. We asked her a few questions about her past and present projects, the relationship between art and the neighborhood, and two artists at Residency Unlimited, Guillaume Bresson […]
New Rochelle Downtown Artist Residency on
NEW ROCHELLE – Andy Warhol once said that “making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.” The city is counting on his being right, as it looks to create an arts and culture district to wake up a sleepy downtown by attracting businesses, people and activity. Revenue is […]
JARO5 ft. Ivan Gaete and Graciela Cassel by Oscar Laluyan
Taking One Last Ride at Rooster Gallery Art Review by: Oscar A. Laluyan Photographs provided by Rooster Gallery “I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for […]
Phil America interviewed by Zoe Rosenberg for Curbed New York
In an Abandoned Subway Tunnel, an Art Installation Condemning Gun Violence Artist Phil America’s new installation is in an unusual spot By Zoe Rosenberg In an abandoned subway tunnel deep under Nevins Street, artist Phil America has reclaimed a fraction of New York City’s unused space to rally against gun violence. The artist-activist’s latest installation, The Perilous […]
In Chelsea, Staring Through People’s Windows to Look at Art
by Olivia B. Murphy Last Thursday evening, with the sun setting and the air slightly chilled, I stood on the corner of 22nd Street and 8th Ave with a group of people all waiting to tour the two residential Chelsea blocks that had been turned into an outdoor exhibition by curator Lal Bahcecioglu. With her […]
In the Studio: Daisuke Yokota, by Jean Dykstra
Daisuke Yokota has attracted a lot of attention in the last year for his photographs and photo books, which expand the definition of the medium in visceral, fanciful directions. While he spends plenty of time in solitary pursuit of his craft, he also does public performances, creating unique prints in front of an audience. I […]