Residency Unlimited

Daniel Horowitz – Hypnagogia at Joyce Yahouda Gallery


January 16 – February 20, 2016

Opening: Saturday January 16, 2016

4pm – 6pm

Daniel Horowitz’s work is characterized by a unique combination of realism and surrealist abstraction. In many of his compositions, faceless human figures work against backdrops of bizarre landscapes, mundane architecture or chimerical scenes. Horowitz’s imagery alters the original nature of objects and scale, creating overall dreamlike atmospheres. Twisted and stretched objects or body parts rendered in vibrant colors channel the surreal while examining contemporary reality, social anxieties and displaced identity.

His paintings employ an associative logic, whereby disparate subjects are thrown together into impossible landscapes. Through dissonant figure pairings and Freudian fluency in our collective symbolic lexicon, Horowitz conjures up what cannot be visualized into something visible. His paintings suggest a narrative but this promise dissolves into ambiguity. ( Originally inspired by Surrealism and the Polish Poster School, he developed natural interest in the so-called New

For Hypnagogia, Daniel Horowitz presents artworks created during his travels to Leipzig, Germany. To the artist, the exhibition is a painter’s log of a voyage to the Old World, into the uncanny. He traveled there in order to discover and describe a visual codex of the peculiar and the profane. The city of Leipzig, for Horowitz, represents many paradoxes; ideals and nightmares, socialism and capitalism, romanticism and realism, scary monsters and super creeps.

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