Residency Unlimited

Özlem & Mustafa in “minute-by-minute” at Dirimart

November 13 – December 12 2015

minute-by-minute addresses the tension of the current times. A tense waiting continues in the minute-by-minute flow of news.
“minute-by-minute” is Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt‘s first solo exhibition at Dirimart. It will open on 13 November 2015 at 7 pm with the participation of the artists and can be visited until 12 December 2015.

The works in the exhibition are positioned around the work Right (2015), which brings together all instances of the word “right” as it is used in the constitution of the Republic of Turkey (36 times in total), pushing the rest of the text to the background. Constitutive Lines (2015) is generated by lines that define the areas for symbols and colours in national flags and it includes all flags that linear separations in their design. SelfDefence (2015) presents a sound track (of approximately 13 seconds) from Gezi protests in the form of a razor wire. The work freezes this 13 second time period by converting the sound waves of the voice of thousands of people into a physical form that protects its own position. The video On the Stage (2010) is based on newspaper images of protestors who have been in difficult positions during protests. This video appropriates their body gestures and represents these gestures within a choreography of dance. Whenever the body movements of the dancer in the video match that of the protestors in the photographs, she freezes for few seconds as if becoming a monument. Fireworks (2015) is a video that highlights the ironical transformation of the use of fireworks that are normally associated with celebrations and aesthetic experience.

Günyol & Kunt’s artistic practice is an investigation on the representation of individual and collective belonging, the meaning of language, information conveyed through symbols and the media, representations of culturally coded modes of understanding, and structures of social and political systems and their relation to the construction of identity.

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