Residency Unlimited

Bruno Silva in group show “Spotlightness” at Flux Factory

Spotlightness is a pop-up group show organized by Sébastien Maloberti at Flux Factory.

Reception on January 28th, 6pm – 9pm.

Featuring works by Jimmy Beauquesne, Mathilde Bezon, Kevin Desbouis, Marine Joulie, Sébastien Maloberti, Valentine Ridde and Bruno Silva.

The exhibition will present the work of seven artists, all based in France, and currently in residence at Flux Factory (Queens) and Triangle Arts Association (Brooklyn). This project’s format is lightweight, much like the artists’ methods of working: simple means, found materials and tools. All these works were produced this week in the fresh air of NYC.

With the partnership of Artistes en Résidence.




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