Residency Unlimited

Santo Tolone – 21×21. 21 artisti per il 21° secolo

Curated by Francesco Bonami

Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin (Italy)
24 march – 5 september 2010

On occasion of the celebrations for leading Italian organization Confindustria’s 100thanniversary, Confindustria and the Unione Industriale di Torino present 21×21. 21 artistsfor the 21st century, a group exhibition of young Italian artists devised and organisedby the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, which will run at their Turin centre forcontemporary art from 25 March to 31 August 2010. The aim of the exhibition is tosupport artistic production and the careers of young artists as well as to enhance thevalue of Italian creativity.The exhibition, curated by Francesco Bonami (Artistic Director of the FondazioneSandretto Re Rebaudengo) will feature a wide selection of new and site-specific worksby 21 young Italian artists. The exhibition will offer an in depth insight into the dynamicsof contemporary art in Italy today.The exhibition concept is based on the relationship between innovation and tradition,relevant to both the worlds of contemporary art and that of modern day industry, lookingat progress versus preservation in relation to the country’s existing heritage.Current artistic production is undoubtedly linked to the past and is nurtured on whatcame before it; experimentation or new linguistics in art take their source from andcontinually look to the past. The exhibition directly addresses the dialectics and notonly the aesthetics of innovation/ tradition through the featured works, as well as usingthe exhibition as an area of sociological investigation to explore the impact that thesedynamics have on today’s society.Emma Marcegaglia, Head of Confindustria says, “culture is the one great thing that hasalways been able to capture the very essence of change, a fundamental resource to helpus better understand society and bring people closer / make them more aware of thethings that are not always evident in the world today. We chose to support and promotethis project for Confindustria’s 100 years because we believe that culture is a strongtool, able to produce values and generate new ways of thinking as well as the need– more than ever today – to invest in the human capital of information and knowledgeand the symbolic capital offered to us through identity and recognition. Confindustriafirmly sustain and represent the same values that come from these areas.”

Engraving on brass, wooden panel 140 x 100 cm
Photo: Maurizio Elia

Engraving on brass, wooden panel 140 x 100 cm
Photo: Maurizio Elia

Engraving on brass, wooden panel 140 x 100 cm
Photo: Maurizio Elia

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