Residency Unlimited

Rhasaan Manning: Friday Night Film: Preview: RESPOND videos at Smack Mellon


Smack Mellon
92 Plymouth Street @ Washington
Brooklyn, NY 11201

6pm: Preview including 18 of videos that are part of the RESPOND exhibition:
Ayesha Jordan, Rhasaan Manning, Yo Meryl, Zakiya Owens, Kwan Taeck Park, Jessica Ann Peavy, Andrew Phan, Terrance Pitts, Ayla Rexroth, Roberto Rischmaui, Richard Seel, Sable Smith, Preach R. Sun, Mirland Terlonge, Simone Varano & Lucas Alvarado Farrar, Leila Weefur, Nicholas Weissman, Jeremy Levine, Newark Collegiate Academy 2nd Period Dance Class / Video by Kaila Works

7pm: Feature: The feature length documentary STOP follows three years in the life of David Ourlicht, one of the plaintiffs in Floyd v. City of New York, the class action lawsuit that challenged the New York Police Department’s practice of Stop & Frisk. By interweaving the story of David’s family with the action around the trial, STOP places the controversy surrounding Stop & Frisk in the context of a long history of civil rights and policing in New York City.

This screening is followed by a discussion with the filmmaker.

2014, 90 minutes

more info on the show:

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