Residency Unlimited

Stephanie Dinkins

Artist Name: Stephanie Dinkins
Residency Dates: December 2010


Stephanie Dinkins spent the months of December and January 2010/11 at the Approach Art Association residency program in Pecs, Hungary. This residency was facilitated by Residency Unlimited and organized within the framework of Residency Unlimited’s partnership with Harlem Biennale, New York.

Stephanie Dinkins is an interdisciplinary artist who merges video, sound, and object.  Her work has been featured in “This Land Is My Land” a solo exhibition at the University Art Gallery, Stony Brook University, as well as “She’s So Articulate,” Arlington Art Center, Arlington, VA; “Aurora Borialis,” Spedition Bremen, Güterbahnhof, Bremen, Germany; and in “Cinema Remixed and Reloaded: Black Women Artists and the Moving Image Since 1970” at Spellman College Museum of Fine Art.  Her community based, public projects include “Book Give Away” and “Performance for The Laundromat Project” for The Laundromat Project; and, “OneOneFullBasket” at the North Fork Bank for Jamaica Flux Biennial 2007, Queens, NY.   She earned her MFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art.  She is also an alumna of the Whitney Museum of American Art’s Independent Studies Program and the Artist in the Marketplace Program at the Bronx Museum of Art. She is the recipient of grants from the Puffin Foundation, the Trust for Mutual Understanding, the Lef Foundation, and Philip Morris and lives and works in New York.

For more information on Stephanie Dinkins click here

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