Residency Unlimited

Qiu Wei

Curator name: Qiu Wei
Dates of residency: Nov – Dec
Born: 1982
Hometown: Yunnan, China
Lives and works: Kunming, China
Education: MA of Anthropology

Qiu Wei is the curator of  Yunnan Provincial Museum. Located in Kunming, this museum showcases an exhibition about Yunnan’s ethnic minorities, as well as a collection of artifacts from tomb excavations at Jinning. In 2015, the new Yunnan Provincial Museum was inaugurated with the exhibition ‘The Neolithic Age’ curated by Qiu Wei. Her exhibition ‘The Tea Road”, which focused on eight provinces in Southwest China was nominated as The best exhibition in 2015. Qiu Wei has curated several exhibitions in various museums in Yunnan. With this curatorial residency at RU, Qiu Wei is interested in gaining knowledge about the contemporary art field.

Support: Qiu Wei’s one month residency is made possible with the support from China National Arts Fund (CNAF), the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA), and the Academy of Literary and Art, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (ALAC).

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