Residency Unlimited

Petra Pölzl

Curator Name: Petra Pölzl
Residency Dates: February – March
Born: 1983
Hometown: Graz
Lives & Works: Graz, Berlin

URL:                                                                                                                                                    Education: Ph.D. Researcher , Dept of East Asian Art History, Free University Berlin. Working title: »The Aftermath of Shock Art: Performative Strategies in social and political art practices in Mainland China«. 2011/ 2012_Postgraduate Program »Art Criticism & Curatorial Knowledge« , Dept Art History, Ruhr University Bochum. 2010_Masters Free University Berlin. Title: »Performance Art in China: Figures of Transgression«.

Bio / Statement:

Petra Pölzl (Austria) is a freelance curator, dramaturge and researcher, working in the fields of visual, performing and performance art between Austria, Germany and China. Her PhD research centers on artistic strategies of re-participation and re-appearance, as applied within performative art practices in post-shock-art boom in China. Currently, Pölzl is working as a co-curator on “Performing the Border” (Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna), an exhibition questioning the absurdity and political arbitrariness of nation-state borders. Further she is the artistic advisor to the Beijing based artist Tianzhuo Chen. From 2014 to 2016, Pölzl worked as a programmer for “steirischer herbst” (Festival for New Art) in Graz (Austria). Due to her expertise on Chinese contemporary art she has been involved in multiple projects such as: “Zhou Bin: Nothing to say” (Museum of Contemporary Art Chengdu, 2016); “Corporate. Xu Zhen (Produced by MadeIn Company)” – Kunsthaus Graz (Austria); Co-Curator “Poetics of the body” at SAVVY Contemporary (Berlin) and so on. Previously she worked as a curatorial assistant at Wiener Festwochen (2013) and the Shanghai World EXPO, German Pavilion (2010). Pölzl is a regular guest lecturer at the Institute of Theatre Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. Research grants include The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation (in co-operation with Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong), and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).

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