Residency Unlimited

Pamela Méndez

Pamela Méndez, Time
Artist Name: Pamela Méndez
Residency Dates: August – October
Born: 1988
Hometown: Lenzburg, Switzerland
Lives & Works: Bern, Switzerland
Education: Gymnasium, Swiss jazz School, 2 Years of Bachelors Programm in Vocal Jazz, Lichtenberger Institut für angewandte Stimmphysiologie.

Bio / Statement:

Pamela Méndez is a self-taught singer and songwriter whose skills in playing guitar, producing music, and editing videos have allowed her to create and self publish her own music. In February 2019 her second album “Time” will be released on the record label “P-Love Records” founded by Pamela Méndez herself. “Time” is the title-giving first single of the album and it is one thing above all: A declaration of love to life in all its hardness and beauty. For her release, she found press partners in Germany and France where the album will also be promoted.

Méndez’s DIY spirit was not created overnight, rather it is the result of the personal debate on her role as an artist in society. Pamela knew how to profit from the manifold experiences from the most different breadwinning jobs, which she had to pursue over the years beside her actual occupation, the music. It’s the autodidactic training through life, which after some failed relationships with record companies made her dare to dive alone into the music business. In her music, you can clearly hear the courage to go her own way.

She has succeeded in doing a multi-leveled work. In times of self-optimization, algorithms, and big data, Pamela celebrates the uncontrollable and incomprehensible happenings of life. The partly ragged breaks in the arrangements instigate Pamela’s very personal and fragmentary texts. Accompanied by Nicolas Stocker’s pulsating drumming, the amazing nuances of Luzius Schuler’s formative synthesizer sounds and Adrien Guernes hypnotic groove, Pamela’s impressively mature voice can shine and carry the optimism of her songs in heart and hips.


Support: Pamela Méndez’s residency is made possible with support from Kultur Stadt Bern.


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