Residency Unlimited

Manabu Kanai

_____ : or Frankenstein’s Deucalion (2019), mixed media, 120 x 80 x 20cm

Artist Name: Manabu Kanai
Residency Dates: October 2021 – September 2022
Born: 1983
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Lives & Works: Tokyo
Education: Jiyu Gakuen College of Liberal Arts (Tokyo, Japan),
MA, Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (Gifu, Japan),
Ph.D., Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo, Japan)


While placing the art making as inventing art form itself as new language, Manabu Kanai’s art practice explores, across painting, sculpture, video, computer programming, installation, and spatial practice, the dimension where new language is generated.

Toward the embodiment of new language in art, Kanai has been developing his own practice methodology through re-examining the American modernism’s concept of “medium specific” from the perspective of the Philosophy of Technology (e.g. Gilbert Simondon, Jacques Derrida, or Bernard Stiegler). In so doing, his artistic exploration attempts to turn the reductive idea of “medium specificity” into expansive, dynamic, and transductive force to generate specific art form as new language.

Through dealing with those transductive forces emerged from various shapes and structures of materials and spaces, his artworks are constructed as specific art form / a specific visual language which embraces the dynamics while simultaneously emphasizing and mediating incompatible energies in it.

His works have exhibited nationally and internationally, including Tokyo Arts and Space(Japan); Aichi University of the Arts(Japan); Fremantle Arts Centre(Australia); University of Melbourne(Australia); Kasárne/Kulturepark(Slovakia); A-things(Japan), and held in some private collections.


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