Residency Unlimited

Maija Kovari

2018, permanent site specific installation, approx. 150 x 100 meters (photo illustration shows a detail of the work)
Artist Name: Maija Kovari
Residency Dates: September – November 2018
Born: 1985
Hometown: Savonlinna, Finland
Lives & Works: Tampere, Finland


Education: Architect, MSc(Arch), 2015 / School of Architecture, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland Bachelor of Visual Arts, B.F.A., 2011 / Fine Art, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere, Finland Specializing in installation and sculpture, 2009 / Construction – Art & espaces, Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design, Genève, Switzerland (Erasmus Exchange Program) Basics in Philosophy, 2006 – 2007 / Faculty of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Basics in Architectural Design, 2005 – 2006 / Faculty of Architecture, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

Bio / Statement:

Trained both as an architect and visual artist, Maija Kovari works in the fields of urban planning and contemporary art, with an emphasis on installation and sculpture in public space. They involve elements of play or movement, with a recent emphasis on environmental themes.

Images of her latest works can be found here, works and blog posts on works in progress here.

One of her most recent achievement is the environmental work of art “Seven Steps to Save the Ocean” that she designed as a commissioned work for Ranua Wildlife Park  in Finnish Lapland, near the Arctic Circle. The work, situated in a park that specializes in arctic animals, speaks of the power of choices made by us, ordinary people, in our shared mission to fight climate change and protect our environment. The work consists of a purpose built, about 140 meters long wooden pathway, that leads the visitor trough the ancient arctic landscape. Inside the landscape, seven texts speak of choices we can make in our everyday life to curb climate change and thus protect the Arctic nature.

In addition to her artistic work, Kovari runs Public Art Agency Finland, a consulting agency specializing in helping cities include contemporary art in the processes of urban planning and design. In this role she has created public art programs for several cities, and written articles and given talks on the theme of developing stronger connections between the fields of urban planning and contemporary art.

Recent exhibitions and public art projects include: 2018 Seven Steps to Save the Ocean / Large scale environmental artwork inside Ranua Wildlife Park, Lapland, Finland; 2016 Peilikirkas / Mirror Clear, Otavalankatu, Tampere, Finland / public artwork; 2016 Public Art: Important, Boring, ______? / research residency and art event – Instinc Residency – Singapore; 2016 Koskettavin veistos – A most touchable sculpture / group exhibition, Sanomatalo & Art Kaarisilta, Helsinki ; 2016 Vieraita tuttuja – familiar strangers / a solo exhibition, Ti-La, Jyväskylä ; 2015 – 2016 Artist in a street design team – a pilot project / commissioned work, City of Tampere, Foundation of Environmental Art; 2014 Lilies, Play, and Light – designs for sewer covers / commissioned work, City of Tampe.

For an up to date list of recent exhibitions, public works, and other projects, please check here.

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