Residency Unlimited

Khvay Samnang

Khvay Samnang, Samnang Cow Taxi Moves Sand, Phnom Penh, 2011, Performance, Courtesy of the Artist

Artist Name: Khvay Samnang
Residency Dates: 2013
Born: 1982
Hometown: Svay Rieng province, Cambodia
Lives & Works: Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Born in 1982 in Svay Rieng province, Cambodia, Khvay Samnang lives and works in Phnom Penh.

With subtlety and humor, Khvay’s artistic practice engages with concepts of mediation, change and continuity. The figure is prominent in his serial photography and performance work, in which he documents himself and others enacting poignant gestures. These he considers offerings for new interpretations of history, longstanding cultural practices, and contentious current affairs.

Khvay holds a BA in Painting from the Royal University of Fine Art, Phnom Penh (2006). He is a founding and active member of the first contemporary artist collective Stiev Selapak / Art Rebels (2007 -), who established Sa Sa Art Gallery (2009 – 2010) and SA SA BASSAC (2011 -) the first dedicated exhibition spaces for contemporary art in Cambodia, as well as Sa Sa Art Projects, a community-based, knowledge-sharing platform and experimental residency program (2010 -).

Khvay is a two-time resident at Tokyo Wonder Site (2009, 2011). Select solo exhibitions include: Human Nature, PhotoPhnomPenh at Royal University of Fine Arts, Phnom Penh (2011) and Untitled (2011) and Newspaper Man, SA SA BASSAC (2012). Select group exhibitions include: Deep S.E.A., Primo Marella Gallery, Milan; ROUNDTABLE, Tobias Rehberger Pavilion ‘You Owe Me. I Don’t Owe You Nothin.’ 9th Gwangju Biennale; Terra Incognita: Noorderlicht Photography Festival, The Netherlands; Current Views and Actions: Photography and Performance Documentation from Phnom Penh, Northern Illinois University Museum, USA.


Made possible within the framework of RU ’s partnership with Casita Maria Center for Arts and Education, Khvay Samnang’s residency is in collaboration with IN RESIDENCE, a citywide visual arts program that invites audiences to engage with new perspectives on Cambodia’s history and contemporaneity through residencies, exhibitions and public programs at leading New York City institutions (April 1 – May 30, 2013). Presented by Season of Cambodia, a Living Arts festival.

For more information go to Season of Cambodia, a Living Arts Festival.

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