Residency Unlimited

Joséphine Kaeppelin

Artist: Joséphine Kaeppelin
Dates of residency: Feb – July
Born: 1985
Hometown: Lyon, France
Lives and Works: Strasbourg, France
Education: DNSEP fine art (master), HEAR (Haute école des arts du Rhin), Strasbourg, France, 2011. DNAT Textile Design, Ecole Nationale des Beaux-arts de Lyon, France, 2008

In her artworks, Joséphine Kaeppelin’s takes as point of departure the use of machines and the interaction between human presence and a production system dominated by technology. Machines and their use operate as means of production, co-authors and food for thought. By adopting pre-defined formats, standards and default settings, Kaeppelin’s experiments are likely to lead to re-appropriation by usage. Indeed, by using software or machines in an opposite way or diverting a program from their original purpose can be understood as an act of resistance, a way to create a space for free thought within a defined system.

Kaeppelin will bypass a program in order to reveal the structure that lies behind the system. She seeks to sharpen attention in relation to an action, strengthen the will of a human user interacting with a system as well as  enable a kind of self-realization within the context of work and production. She often works in collaboration incorporating for example a stone carver, textile company or conductor in the realization of the work . More recently, she is focused on the question of how to rethink human activities, time, work and society within a context of imminent transition of employment to generalised automation.

Joséphine Kaeppelin has exhibited among others in France (solo show at Espace International du CEAAC, Strasbourg (2014); Petit Lieu de L’art Contemporain (Toulon) CRAC Alsace, Altkirch, Biennial of Mulhouse 012 and Le Magasin CNAC in Grenoble (2012),  MBDTCurators in Nantes); inn Germany (Gedok e.V., Stuttgart and Greusslich Contemporary Berlin, 2014); in Turkey (Akbank Art Center, Istanbul, 2014) and Belgium (POPPOSITIONS Off-Fair and the artist run-space Greylight Projects in Brussels, 2014). Joséphine Kaeppelin’s work is currently featured in the group show “Conversations sur l’invisible,” at Galerie Martine Aboucaya ( in Paris (on view until March 31 2015)

GALLERY: Greusslich Contemporary, Berlin, Germany

SUPPORT: Josephine Kaeppelin’s 6 months residency is made possible with the kind support of Zaeslin-Bustany-Scholarship in collaboration with Atelier Mondial and Christoph Merian Stiftung, Basel, Switzerland

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