Residency Unlimited

Johan Lundh

photo: Self-Directed Residency, Alissa Firth-Eagland and Johan Lundh

Curator Name: Johan Lundh 
Residency Dates: 2010


Johan Lundh is an independent curator and writer, dividing his time between Stockholm and New York. In 2010, he participated in the following residencies: the Thematic Residency at The Banff Centre, Banff (Canada);  Deutsche Börse Residency Program, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt (Germany); Hordaland Kunstenter, Bergen (Norway); Warsaw (Poland); and the Helsinki International Artists-in-Residence Program, Helsinki (Finland).

In 2010,  Johan curated “The Traveling Show” at Botkyrka Konsthall. This exhibition travels in a suitcase and explores how contemporary artists, curators, and critics are constantly on the move, rushing from one show to the next, from one cultural context to another. It is a nomadic life at a fast paste. This creates a dilemma for traveling cultural workers, since a desire to work long-term or site-specifically is steadily growing.The first edition of the Traveling Show featured works by Abbas Akhavan (CA/IR), Brendan Fernandes (CA/KE), Tamar Guimaraes (BR/DK), Runo Lagomarsino (AR/SE), Will Kwan (CA/HK), Patricia Reed (CA/DE), and Lisa Torell (SE). In different ways, these artists reflect upon the relationships between globalization, mobility, and art. The suitcase also includes books, posters, photographs, postcards, etc. from the curator’s own collection.

The Traveling Show will be (and has been) presented at a handful of places around the world during 2010/2011. With each new rendering, the content of the suitcase will vary. The show is part of a larger undertaking intended to examine existing and imagine new ways of living and working in a globalizing world.

Lundh holds an MFA and a degree in Curatorial Studies from Konstfack University College of Arts, Craft and Design (Stockholm, SE). Together with artists, curators, writers, and scholars, he engineers frameworks for artistic and discursive actions. He has curated exhibitions and projects for such organizations as Helen Pitt Gallery (Vancouver, CA); Index Foundation (Stockholm, SE); Western Front (Vancouver, CA); and YYZ Artists’ Outlet (Toronto, CA). He has been awarded residencies at Baltic Art Centre (Visby, SE); Frankfurter Kunstverein (Frankfurt am Main, DE); Hordaland Kunstsenter (Bergen, NO), and Nordic Artists’ Centre Dalsåsen (Dale, NO). His writing has appeared in publications such as Art Lies, C Magazine, Fillip, Hjärnstrom, Konstperspektiv, Paletten, Site Magazine, and Yishu – Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art.

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