Residency Unlimited

Gustavo Speridião

The Great Art History (page 609). 2005/2017. Medium: Intervention on book. Dimensions: 26 x 18 cm 609 pages
Artist Name: Gustavo Speridião
Residency Dates: April – June
Born: 1978
Hometown: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lives & Works: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

URL:                                                                                                                                                                   Education: Master in Visual Arts, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Bio / Statement:

I use different mediums such photography, video, painting. These crossings are usually mistaken as a predisposition to Multimedia when, in fact, they are a way for a poetic-critical deconstruction of Modernist faith in the different possibilities of use of each technical means. My paintings and drawings bear elements of  graphic language, and in the process I dematerialize this language through a poetical and conceptual use of the word painted in paintings that have nothing of “pictorial” in it. In my work, I appropriate both icons and emblematic features of social life, political practice, ideological motes and the information I capture on the street, with the movement of people from different social classes, beliefs and behaviors. The contradictions between daily life and history are the poetic core of my work. By surpassing the specific scope of each of the different languages in which the conventional field of the visual arts is divided, I recover them in their syntactic-semantic integrity, secured in the works by the use of words or phrases of various contents. Without hierarchies other than those of our own experience, exactly as in the street streams, I add and build, using verbal motes of strong political appeal or more subtle evocations. Therefore travelling’s and “drifting’s” are so important to me . I stand as Vertov ́s “Man-Camera”, capturing images and sounds in the places where I go. My videos are inspired by Vertov’s cinema, and just like him, the versatility found in my work is a reflection of the time we are living, with the entire troubled political and social scene.

RECENT SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2017 Quilômetros [Kilometers]. Curadoria [Curated by] Maria Montero. Sé Galeria, São Paulo/SP, Brasil. A gente surge da sombra [We rise from the shadows]. Curadoria [Curated by] Fernando Cocchiarale. Galeria Mercedes Viegas, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 2016 A lágrima é só o suor do cérebro [Tears are the brains sweat]. Curadoria [Curated by] Izabela Pucu. Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 2015 Estudos Superficiais [Superficial Studies]. Curadoria [Curated by] Guilherme Bueno. Galeria Mario Schemberg – FUNARTE São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. Lona [Canvas]. Galeria Anita Schwartz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 2014 Eu tenho um plano [I have a plan]. Galeria Superfície, São Paulo, Brasil. 2013 Geometrie. Montage. Equilibrage [Geometry. Mouting. Balancing]. Photos and Videos. Curadoria [Curated by] Jean Luc Monterosso /Guilherme Bueno; Maison Europeene de La Photographie, Paris, France. Sobre Fotografia e Filme [On Photography and Film].Curadoria [Curated by] Guilherme Bueno; Galeria Anita Schwartz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

RECENT GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2017 OSSO Exposição-apelo ao amplo direito de defesa de Rafael Braga [BONE Exhibition- plea for the broad right to defense of Rafael Braga]. Curadoria Paulo Miyada. Instituto Tomie Ohtake. São Paulo, Brasil. Frestas: Trienal de Artes – Entre Pós-Verdades e Acontecimentos [Slot: Arts Triennial – Between post-truths and happenings]. Curadoria [Curated by] Daniela Labra. Sesc Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brasil. 2017 Coleção MAC Niterói: arte contemporânea no Brasil [Collection MAC Niteroi: contemporary art in Brasil]. Curadoria [Curated by] Pablo Leon de La Barra e Raphael Fonseca. Museu de Arte Contemporânea. Niterói, Brasil. Travessias 5 [Crossings 5]. Curadoria [Curated by] Moacir dos Anjos. Galpão Bela Maré. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. South-South: Let me begin again. Curadoria [Curated by] Renato Silva e Lara Kossef. Goodman Gallery, Cidade do Cabo, África do Sul. Em Polvorosa: Um panorama das coleções MAM Rio [An overview on the collections of MAM Rio]. Curadoria [Curated by] Fernando Cocchiarale e Fernanda Lopes. Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Lugares do Delírio [Places of Frenzy]. Curadoria [Curated by] Tania Rivera. Museu de Arte do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A luz que vela o corpo é a mesma que revela a tela [The light that veils the body its the same who reveals the canvas]. Curadoria [Curated by] Bruno Miguel. Centro Cultural da Caixa, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 2016 Exposição Prêmio Pipa 2016 [Pipa Prize exhibition 2016] Curadoria [Curated by] Luiz Camillo Osorio. Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Dentro Fora [In-Out]. Curadoria [Curated by] Fernando Cocchiarale e Fernanda Lopes. Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Depois do Futuro [After Future]. Curadoria [Curated by] Daniela Labra. EAV Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Soft Power. Curadoria [Curated by] Robbert Roos, Kunsthal KAdE, Amersfoort, Holand. 2015 Imagine Brazil. Curadoria [Curated by] Gunnar B. Kvaran/Thierry Raspail/ Hans Ulrich Obrist. DHC/ART, Montreal, Canadá. Imagine Brazil. Curadoria [Curated by] Gunnar B. Kvaran/Thierry Raspail/Hans Ulrich Obrist. Instituto Tomie Othake, São Paulo, Brasil. Parasophia 2015 International Festival of Contemporary Culture. Curadoria [Curated by] Shinji, Masako Tago. Museu de Arte Moderna de Kioto, Japão. Novos talentos da fotografia contemporânea no Brasil [New talents in Brasil contemporary photography]. Curadoria [Curated by] Vanda Klabin. Caixa Cultural. Rio de Janeiro-RJ e Brasília DF, Brasil. Pequenos formatos [Small forms]. Curadoria [Curated by] Ana Elisa Cohen. Galeria Anita Schwartz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. The boiling point. Curadoria [Curated by] Renato Silva. PSM Gallery, Berlim, Alemanha.

See interview with Gustavo Speridião.

Sé Galeria, São Paulo

Select Permanent Collections: MAM – Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. MNBA – Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. MAC – Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. MAR – Museu de Arte do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Coleção Gilberto Chateaubriand, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo, Norway.

Support: Gustavo Speridião’s residency is made possible with support from Coleção Bochnner Sé Galeria.

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