Residency Unlimited

Fabio Marco Pirovino

Tableaux III, happy slappin' in yo face, Digital Collage, Inkjetprint, 150 x 100 cm

Artist Name: Fabio Marco Pirovino 
Residency Dates:  2011


Whether producing murals, photographs, drawings, water colors, or sculptures, Fabio Pirovino consistently explores the different formal possibilities that each material he uses might take and creates new compositions using variation and reduction. The digital process is never concealed, and the interfaces of the photographic “collages” remain visible – as was the case with his large mural, Razzle Dazzle (PPG), which was realized on the back wall of the Kunsthalle Basel in the summer of 2010. This work points to the symbolic significance of Guernica as a politicised and much-reproduced painting, and also considers the power of images, their utilization, and instrumentalization today.

Pirovino is the recipient of the ZKB Kunstpreis in 2010 (jurors: Rein Wolfs, Beatrix Rufs, Eva Birkenstock). Born in 1980, Pirovano lives and works in Basel and Zürich. In 2007,  he graduated from the Photography Department of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and was awarded the travel prize of the Basler Kunstverein/Regionale 10 at KunsthalleBasel. In 2007, he was part of the group exhibition  “Plat(t)form” shown at the FotomuseumWinterthur and Amberg&Marti in Riga, Latvia (“Amberg&Marti ZeigenFMP”). In 2010, he participated in “The Artist and thePhotograph” at Ausstellungsraum Klingental. Other shows include “20th Century Fox, in Memory of Thomas Knoll,” Coalmine Fotogalerie,Winterthur ;  “Fabio Marco Pirovino: Propaganda + Instinct,” AbbtProjects, Zurich; “FMP at his own flat,” Paloma Presents, Zurich; and most recently,  “Leitmotiv,” online exhibition at Coalmine Fotogalerie, Winterthur, 2010 (click here to see “Leitmotiv”)

Support: Fabio Marco Pirovino’s 6 months residency is made possible with support from iaab, the International Exchange and Studio Program Basel, in collaboration with Galapagos Art Space. The residency program is generously financed by private and public sponsors.

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