Residency Unlimited

Carolina Paz

Artist Name: Carolina Paz
Residency Dates: August – October
Born: 1976
Hometown: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Lives & Works: Sao Paulo, Brazil
URL: http://carolinapaz.comEducation: 2014 Accompaniment of artistic projects with Albano Afonso and Sandra Cinto, Ateliê Fidalga, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; 2012 Art History Course with Rodrigo Naves, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; 2010 BA Fine Art – Central Saint Martins, London, UK; 2009 Complementary studies in Fine Arts – Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil; 2003 Master in Technology and Society – Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC, Brazil; 1999 Bachelor degree in Social Sciences- Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Florianópolis, SC, Brazil.

Bio / Statement:

Carolina Paz is visual artist, social scientist and professor of Sociology and Communication Theory. Mainly a painter and video artist, Paz explores  in her work content related to intimacy and affection; private places and the actions they contain; near or approximate relations; shared solitude; silence and fraying time. Her current focus is to establish connections between these various areas through images, objects and actions that are becoming more random and whose focal point is the identification of exchanges that take place before and during the execution of each work. According to the artist,“this process and the stories that precede and succeed it are today, I can say, the central point of my artistic research. An image becomes a reason to start a conversation.

Carolina Paz is represented by the Virgilio Gallery in Sao Paolo. She won the first prize for the 2013 Funarte Award for Contemporary Art. Solo exhibitions include:: 2015, Teoria dos Conjuntos, Galeria Virgilio, São Paulo, SP; 2014, Porção, Sala Nordeste, Funarte, Recife, PE; 2013,  Pontuais, Museu de Arte de Goiânia (MAG), GO.; 2012 Íntima Ação, Galeria Zipper, São Paulo, SP. Selected group exhibitions include: 2014, Layers of Response, NARS Foundation, New York;  *Prometheus fecit * terra, água, mão e fogo*, curadoria Maria de Fátima Lambert, Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Porto, Portugal; Como refazer o mundo, curadoria Divino Sobral, Galeria Luiz Fernando Landeiro
, Salvador, BA; 2013, 17a. Bienal de Cerveira, Cerveira, Portugal.; 2012 , XI Bienal do Recôncavo, São Félix, BA; O que te escolhe, te move e alcança o mundo, Espaço Ápis, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.; Vídeos Desvenda, museu Murillo La Greca, Recife, PE.; 2011,  Vídeos Desvenda, Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, RS. In 2014, she was an artist in residence at NARS Foundation, New York.

For more details about her CV check here.


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