Residency Unlimited

Bruno Silva

Artist: Bruno Silva
Dates of residency: February 2014
Born: 1986
Hometown: Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Lives and works: Clermont-Ferrand, France
 Education: École Supérieure d’Art Clermont Métrople 2012 / DNSEP – Graduated with honors with a Masters from École Supérieure d’Art de Clermont Métropole, France); 2010 / Undergraduate studies Fine Arts, FBAUP ( Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal).

Bruno Silva’s art process is about gathering information, objects and experiences. In his project “Unnamed_0.2.1.1 ”,  Silva seeks to bring together Lost, found, roundabout images. The world keeps productng an infinite number of images that end up being forgotten in time. Once they are found, they build a world ; a galery of memoirs of the memory ; a dust¬bin of  « non-images » of the world.

Unnamed_0.2.1.1 is a  « non-place » where history, time and space are all mixed up.

Recent exhibitions include: 2014 / Teoria da Pintura, group show, AISCA,Viana do Castelo, Portugal; 2013 / AVARGUES, grup show Porto (Portugal); 2013 / performance with the collective  RUADOSOL172, La Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille (France); “Du clocher on voit la mer”, group exhibition curated by Marc Geneix, La Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille; performance “Planete Pizza + unnamed_0.2.1 = JUNGLE”, VIDEOBARS (VIDEOFORMES Festival), gallery Art du Temps, Clermont-Ferrand; 2011/ “Bruits et Chuchotements”, group exhibition, Chapelle de l’ancien Hôpital  Général, Clermont-Ferrand); 2009 / Festival Serralves em Festa 2009,  Serralves Museum, Porto (Portugal).

SUPPORT: Bruno Silva’s residency is supported by Artistes en residence realised in partnership with the Communauté d’agglomération de Clermont-Ferrand with funding from DRAC Auvergne, Région Auvergne, Conseil général du Puy de Dôme, the City of  Clermont-Ferrand and E.S.A.C.M.

Résidence d'artistes

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