Residency Unlimited

Bruno Baptistelli

Installation view of solo show Daily Narratives, at FUNARTE, Brasília (DF) - Brazil, 2015

Artist name: Bruno Baptistelli
Dates of residency: October – November
Born: 1985
Hometown: São Paulo, Brazil
Lives and works: São Paulo, Brazil; Budapest, Hungary
Education: BFA, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil, 2010.

Bio/ Statement:

Bruno Baptistelli is the 2016 Icco/SP Arte awardee. In his practice Baptistelli goes back and forth from pictorial intervention to the public space of the street and the reorganization of found materials. This chance encounter with clutter and waste – a world of debris that otherwise would be relegated to oblivion – offers the artist the trigger point for building through appropriation different narratives with an environmental approach. He employs a geometric language and  builds poetic signs that offer different levels of interpretation.

Bruno Baptistelli has shown his work in Brazil and internationally. Shows include among others: 2016,  “The rings go, the fingers stay”,  Budapest, Hungary; 2015, “When Thoughts Are Replaced by Moving Images”, Basel, Switzerland; 2015, “Daily Narratives” (solo show), Brasília (DF), Brazil; 2014, “Estruturas Possíveis”, São Paulo, Brazil; 2011, “Programa Anual de Exposições” – Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo.

Gallery: Galeria Pilar – Sāo Paulo/SP, Brazil

Select Permanent Collections:
Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Instituto Figueiredo Ferraz, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Support: Bruno Baptistelli’s 2 months residency is made possible with support from ICCO– Instituto de Cultura Contemporânea and SP-ARTE.


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