Residency Unlimited

Peter Puklus presents “The Hero Mother – How to build a house” at Festival Images Vevey

Festival Images Vevey (Chemin du Verger 10, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland)
September 8-30, 2018

Peter Puklus addresses and deconstructs the socially pre-established dynamics of male and female roles, i.e. maternity as a presumed heroic act and the father’s supposed obligation to build and protect a home. Designed as an installation in the form of sculptural, photographic and performative works, his project visually decomposes these symbols of modern life while developing an original snapshot commentary of family life and the challenges related to building a family. The exhibition, which premieres internationally in Vevey, takes place throughout the family home, an entire apartment, where visitors will discover images printed on objects from daily life.

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