Residency Unlimited

Pedro Wirz co-curates first edition of Postcodes, at Casa do Povo


with Adriano Costa, Pedro Neves Marques, Dan Rees, Mandla Reuter, Emanuel Rohss, Max Ruf, Sanja Todorovic, Erika Verzutti and Hannah Weinberger.

Visible in the sky, on the horizon at sea and land, traced along the outlines of distant objects, and even at the edges of the globe when viewed from space, the blue end of the spectrum scatters through the broadest distances and merges itself to the widest depths. This color space cannot afford proximity; it is perpetually suspended in subdued contrasts, minimizing great intervals into soft shifts of gradations.

Gabriel Lima, Pedro Wirz and anamauê present the first edition of Postcodes, at Casa do Povo, São Paulo, Brazil, from May 8th till May 31st, 2014.


Today, the coordinates of long-dominant systems of geographic codification, and the modern logics of governance embedded within them, have been scrambled across a planet increasingly bound in complex systems that have unmoored identity from its traditional ties to place whilst producing nodes of increasingly intensive interaction. In this new world the distance between locations has been simultaneously collapsed and splayed open in overlapping, multi-scalar layers producing new relationships between place and identity, new forms of subjectification and the possibility for new dynamics of evasion and control.

Postcodes seeks to question how dominant patterns of codification are being transformed today by bringing together artistic practices that challenge our assumptions about the relationship between location and identity, distance and proximity, and the forms of knowledge and representations that these relationships are grounded upon and the subjectivities they produce. The program poses these interrogations within the context of the city of São Paulo, and aims to dynamically respond to the complexities of an emerging international cultural hub.

Postcodes will foster collaboration between diverse groups of young international artists via a series of exhibitions, artist mediated lectures and a dedicated publication. Its aim is to provide a singular and long-standing platform for both contributors and the public.

Postcodes is kindly supported by: Casa do Povo, Prohelvetia, Fundação Calouste Gubelkian e IASPIS

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