Residency Unlimited

Otavio Schipper + Tove Storch – White Leaf | Folha Branca

Otavio Schipper + Tove Storch
White Leaf | Folha Branca

November 28 2014 – January 17 2015
Opening November 27, 7pm

Anita Schwartz Rua José Roberto Macedo Soares 30
Rio de Janeiro
Send me a leaf, but from a little tree
That grows no nearer your house
Than half an hour away. For then
You will have to walk, you will get strong and I
Shall thank you for the pretty leaf
-Bertolt Brecht

A Galeria Anita Schwartz tem o prazer de receber White Leaf / Folha Branca –exposição que justapõe novos trabalhos do brasileiro Otavio Schipper (1979, Rio de Janeiro) e da dinamarquesa Tove Storch (1981, Aarhus). Investigando um terreno fenomenológico em que a realidade cotidiana afeta a consciência e a experiência de tempo e espaço, Schipper e Storch exploram, cada um individualmente, a poética da visão e sua relação com a ausência, a história e a memória.


Anita Schwartz galleria is proud to present White Leaf / Folha Branca – a dual exhibition juxtaposing new works by Brazilian artist Otavio Schipper (b. 1979, Rio de Janeiro) and Danish artist Tove Storch (b. 1981, Aarhus). Working in a phenomenological field where everyday reality affects our consciousness and experience of time and space, Schipper and Storch individually explore the poetics of vision and its relation to absence, history and memory.

– Curadoria /curator Aukje Lepoutre Ravn

White Leaf / Folha Branca  foi possível graças à parceria entre a Danish Arts Foundation e Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte

White Leaf / Folha Branca was made possible with the partnership between the Danish Arts Foundation and Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte


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