Residency Unlimited

Ofri Cnaani – Wrong Tools at Andrea Meislin Gallery

Wrong Tools, Ofri Cnaani’s solo show at the Andrea Meislin Gallery, curated by Adi Puterman.

Thursday, September 17 | 6 – 8 PM


Wednesday 11AM – 2 PM
Friday 11AM – 2PM
Saturday 1PM – 5PM

534 West 24th Street, New York

Staged as an ad-hoc image-production station, Cnaani’s performance combines items from the visitor’s personal belongings together with objects culled from the artist’s collection of found materials to enact the live creation of a personalized image using a photocopy system and a surveillance camera. The print will be signed by the artist and given to the participant as a unique work of art, or an “original copy.” A continuous projection on the gallery’s façade will display the real-time process of assembling the objects on the working station, thus creating a digital reproduction of an image with no coherent source.

Merging a diverse range of influences from the Xerox art of the 1960s to digital media, the performance will take the shape of a spiritual “reading” in the Internet age. The structure of such “reading,” inspired by fortune tellers and tarot cards, will expand on the idea of visuality, visibility and vulnerability in the image-saturated digital culture, highlighting fundamental paradoxes of the media era.

In evoking our willingness to surrender ourselves to an omniscient digital world, Wrong Tools calls attention to the function of image making as a means of capital production, and brings forth questions on the uniqueness of a work of art in a hyper-visual reality.

Wrong Tools is an exploration of central themes in Cnaani’s work: digital media and the human body, the artist as service provider, customization and reproduction, and the economy of collections. The title of the show ties together the performative experiment with the two-dimensional works, as it is emblematic of Cnaani’s working methods-her deliberately erroneous use of technologies, and her insistence on using low-fi, imprecise techniques has ultimately evolved into a distinct vocabulary based on a collection of visual signs unique to Cnaani alone.


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