Residency Unlimited

Micha das Bach in “Intimate Transgressions” at WhiteBox

On view September 3rd through October 4th 2015

Opening on September 9th
Free Screenings and Performances | 8-10pm
Franca Rame’s Lo Stupro (The Rape) – public access video
Micha das Bach’s Eva Moses Kor: Surviving the Angel of Death – video installation

Panel Discussion – The Act of Doing, hosted by
Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art – Brooklyn Museum
Thursday, October 1st | 7-9pm


New York City – Intimate Transgressions is a multimedia exhibition of twenty-two artists from around the world responding to the challenging theme of sexual violence as a tactic of terror. The exhibition is presented by WhiteBox and CAPA. The artworks on display react to the transnational issue of violence against women during times of conflict from both a historical and contemporary perspective. As a starting point for Intimate Transgressions, the disturbing situation of the ‘Comfort Women’ during and after WWII is also the project’s central highlight. This open-ended investigation includes performance, installations, and a series of concurrent talks and workshops. The premiere at WhiteBox opens the Intimate Transgressions word tour followed by Beijing on October 25 th , 2015.

The exhibition was conceived by international artist curator Fion Gunn in association with Juan Puntes, WhiteBox Artistic Director. Commenting on the need for such an exhibition, Fion Gunn said:

The opening of Intimate Transgressions on September 3rd, 2015 marks the seventieth anniversary of Japan signing the armistice with the allied forces during World War II. Researching this historic period and uncovering the disturbing plight of the so called ‘Comfort Women’ made me realize that sexual violence against women during periods of war continues to this day and it is an outrage which is not being eradicated. With Intimate Transgressions, the issue has been raised and dialogue initiated as part of a movement to protect women from such crimes”

The artists involved in the exhibition come from as far afield as China, Egypt, Cuba, Mexico, Ireland, the United Kingdom and the United States. The work is diverse and covers a range of media and styles from drawing and print to installation and video. The cohesion of the exhibition is its desire to initiate a dialogue about conflict and violence against women from a global and shared oppositional stance.

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