Residency Unlimited

Meet the Curator: Boshko Boskovic visiting FRAME

FRAME welcomes artists, curators, researchers and other professionals in the visual arts to meet curator Boshko Boskovic from New York. Boskovic will give a talk at FRAME on Thursday 20 October at 3 pm. After the talk (approx. 45 minutes), the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss, comment and, in turn, tell about interesting current Finnish projects in the arts.

Boshko Boskovic is the Program Director of Residency Unlimited, a New York based non-profit arts service organization, and he has also worked at the Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation. During his tenure as Associate Director at the Sean Kelly Gallery in New York, he worked closely with artists such as Los Carpinteros, Ilya & Emilia Kabakov and Johan Grimonprez.

Boskovic has curated exhibitions at the New York Center of Photography and the Moving Image, Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Museum of Contemporary Art in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Exhibition 211 (New York), Gallery MC (New York), Belef (Belgrade) and Speed Art Museum (Louisville).

In addition, he has published essays for the following exhibitions: But I’m an American (Cultural Centre of Belgrade), Taxi to Berlin (Antje Wachs Gallery, Berlin), Where Have All the Children Gone (Galerie Steinek, Vienna), Dark Star (Galerie Perpetuel, Frankfurt), Cinematic Sculptures (Cultural Centre of Belgrade) and Beyond the Magic Mountain (Gallery MC, New York).

The talk and ensuing discussion will be in English.

Meet the Curator: Boshko Boskovic
Thursday 20 October, 3 pm
FRAME Finnish Fund for Art Exchange
Kaapelitehdas – Cable Factory
Tallberginkatu 1 C 96, entrance C, 4th floor

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