Residency Unlimited

Karolina Bregula – “Do or Die”, lokal_30, opening: May 20, 7PM


Alfa Omegi, Karolina Breguła, Oksana Briukhovetska, Mamałyga Warszawska (Teodor Ajder, Claudia Ciobanu, Mihai Tarţa, Olga Corochii), Jan Mioduszewski, Aleka Polis, Ghenadie Popescu, Jan Sajdak, Sesama (Justyna Górowska, Adam Gruba), Katya Shadkovska, Kamen Stoyanov, Jaśmina Wójcik, Żubrzyce

opening: 20th May 2017, 7 PM–9 PM
meeting with Oksana Briukhovetska at Kwadratowa (Ochota Theatre, ul. Reja 9): 21st May, 6 PM

breakfast with the artists: 1st July 2017, noon
exhibition runs until 1st July 2017

The idea of the exhibition emerged during the preparations, pursued at lokal_30, to a panel within the Culture Congress devoted to artists’ engagement in social and political life. On that occasion, we met in a circle of artists, critics, curators and other individuals interested in the topic. Many threads emerged which consolidated our belief in the value of organising an exhibition that would mark a continuation of that discussion.

Do or die is a quote from Joseph Conrad’s short story Youth. The motto was written on the stern of the ship joined by the young protagonist Charles Marlow, Conrad’s alter ego. Treating that maxim with a pinch of irony, we wish to examine the issues of art’s effectiveness and utility, desired by many artists and critics, as well as the forms that these can adopt.

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Wilcza 29a/12, Warszawa
call n° 12, enter the left stairway directly from the gate, 5th floor

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