Residency Unlimited

Juan Sánchez: Seven gables seven ways: two months in NYC

Juan Sánchez: Seven gables seven ways: two months in NYC
Sala Espai Rambleta
4th July 2018 – 22nd July 2018
Opening: 4th of July, 2018

Seven gables seven ways: two months in NYC

“Seven gables” is a clear reference to the idea of ​​spatiality. Point 1). The idea of ​​reorganizing the environment is “seven ways”. Point 2). On the idea of ​​temporality that affects the whole formula on which we base the work, we speak “two months”. And finally, “in NYC” clarifies the place where the idea of ​​spatiality develops. Point (3).

The purpose of the works that make up the project is to materialize from different perspectives the ideas of:


Autonomous white tourist form in New York is the selected chapter as a starting point to carry out a dialogue with artist Pau Orts Ros, whose objective is to link my experience in NY with that of her stay in Poland. The final result is materialized in a joint exhibition that constitutes a chronicle in file format linked to the architecture of the exhibition space developed in Espai Rambleta de Valencia.


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