Residency Unlimited

Sonya Schönberger in History is a Warm Gun, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein

28 February–26 April 2015

Opening: Friday, 27 February, 7pm

Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.)
Chausseestraße 128 / 129
10115 Berlin
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday noon–6pm,
Thursday noon–8pm

History is a Warm Gun
Artists: Claudia Angelmaier, Dirk Bell, Bram Braam, Aleksandra Domanović, Shahram Entekhabi, Christian Falsnaes, Dani Gal, Andreas Greiner, Assaf Gruber, Kerstin Honeit, Sven Johne, Eva Könnemann, Rivka Rinn, Sonya Schönberger, Pola Sieverding, Natalia Stachon

With the exhibition History is a Warm Gun, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein in 2015 resumes the series of exhibitions by fellows of the Fine Arts Scholarship of the Berlin Senate. The art deals with life as such—directly and over again, reflecting experiences and responding on its own level of reflection. And yet, life in its diversity and unpredictability ensures that art always presents new questions and issues—History is a Warm Gun is an exhibition, expressing the experience of reality by artists, whose center of life and work is in Berlin.

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