Residency Unlimited

Gabriella Ciancimino – Affecting at Gilda Lavia Gallery, Rome

July 1 – September 27, 2019
Opening: Monday, July 1 2019 at 7 pm
Gilda Lavia Gallery– Via dei Reti, 29/c Rome
Info: – telephone and fax number +39 06 5803788

Artists: Marc Bauer, Gabriella Ciancimino, Oscar Giaconia
Text: Claudia Santeroni

Gilda Lavia Gallery of Rome is pleased to host “Affecting”, the group exhibition of the artists, Marc Bauer, Gabriella Ciancimino and Oscar Giaconia, which will open on Monday, July 1 at 7 pm.

The adjective used as the title of the exhibition aims to include and restore a feeling of proximity and contamination, an encounter-clash between different languages and artistic paths that dialogue in the gallery space, each with their own uniqueness. The works on display –a series of drawings on paper which preserves the fleeting and blurry features of mental images and memories– will be semantically and visually related to a wall drawing made for the occasion.

A site-specific intervention on the gallery walls will be the gestural and iconographic base typical of Gabriella Ciancimino’s work: in a dense jungle of signs and decorative patterns, unconscious movements of the creative process, as well as the key issues that drive the artist’s research process, find their place. Ciancimino has dedicated herself to the study of migration, adaptation, and coexistence between different human and plant cultures by paying special attention to a series of plant species with high biological resistance. Temporality and different geographies intertwine in a great work made of sandpaper, which proposes the iconographic study of Art Nouveau architecture.

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