Residency Unlimited

Collective Body – Jolanda Jansen at Witzenhausen Gallery New York

Jansen (NL, 1976) is undoubtedly a performance artist pur sang in the line of Marina Abramovich’s work. “I’m very conscious of my ‘bodily physicality’,including its attractiveness and unattractiveness and the reactions of people to my body”.In the series “Perseverancew· e are confronted with the stretch of pain:how much can our body take? How long before we admit defeat? Can we become our own life savers?

Please join us on Thursday
January 171h from 6 – 8 pm

547 West 27th Street bt. 1Oth and 11th avenue

For any additional information for assistance please contact
Witzenhausen Gallery New York:
+1 212 239 11 24

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