Residency Unlimited

Edward Schexnayder

Artist Name: Edward Schexnayder Residency Dates: March – August 2010 Hometown: Gallup, New Mexico Lives & Works: Brooklyn, New York URL: Bio/Statement: Edward Schexnayder was born in Gallup, New Mexico. He was raised in New Orleans and now lives in Brooklyn, New York. He received his MFA from Pratt Institute (2007) and was a studio […]

Anne Percoco

Artist Name: Anne Percoco Residency Dates: March – August 2010 Hometown: USA URL: Bio/Statement: Under the guidance of Residency Unlimited, Anne Percoco maintained a studio at chashama’s Brooklyn Army Terminal space, during which time she pursued site- and community-based projects in addition to studio-based work. Percoco’s artistic process is grounded in local observation and […]


Artist Name: Brandstifter Residency Dates: July – December 2009: Bio/Statement: Set in the context of our partnership with Flux Factory, Brandstifter was Residency Unlimited’s very first artist in residency. Within this framework, Stephan benefited from a work space for 6 months, in-house resources, and public presentation possibilities at Flux factory combined with on-going customized technical […]