Residency Unlimited

Ana Bilankov presenting “NEW TOWN FUTURE FILM” at Pioneer Works

Screening & Studio Visit
Monday, November 23rd, 7 pm at Pioneer Works
159 Pioneer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231

Screening and talk is followed by a presentation of new works made during the residency at Pioneer Works in Ana’s studio, refreshments will be provided!

New Town Future Film (2015), 1-channel video, HD, 18:30 min, color, sound
Set in the postindustrial landscape of New York City, the experimental video evokes traveling through time and space, somewhere between a utopian and a dystopian vision of the future. Inspired by Robert Smithson’s Photostat Proposal for a Monument of Antarctica.

Produced with kind support of Berlin Senate Cultural Affairs Department, Berlin; HAVC, Croatian Audiovisual Center, Zagreb; Residency Unlimited, Brooklyn, New York; Film/Video Studio Program, Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

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