Residency Unlimited

Alma Saladin, heiwata {

Tropism, noun
[trō′pĭz′əm]. 1897 biology.
– Involuntary reaction indicating growth of a biological organism or certain animals, in response to
environmental, physical, or chemical stimulus. Movement.
– Inherent tendency of a vegetal organism to develop its growth in the direction of an external
source of stimulation. Inclination.
– A force that drives an action done without cognitive thought. An innate tendency, a natural
inclination, or a propensity to act in a certain manner. Tension. (Invincible tropism).


{ Alice Allenet, Noémie Bablet, Safouane Ben Slama, Cécile Bouffard, Julie Buffard-Moret and Raphaël Emine, Pablo Campos, Eve Chabanon, Emmanuelle Charneau, Gaëlle Choisne, Martin Chramosta, Matthieu Cossé, Julien Creuzet, Emile Degorce-Dumas and Hélène Garcia, Léo Dorfner, Juliette Dumas, Josquin Gouilly Frossard, Haje (Tom Lemann & Quentin Danos), Tarik Kiswanson, Paul Lahana, Éliane Lorthiois and Edison Knight, Guillaume Maraud, Enzo Mianes, Laura Not, Réjean Peytavin, Pablo Réol, Dimitri Robert Rimsky, Louise Siffert, Julie Vacher, Lara Vallance, Mona Varichon, Allan Villavicencio, Vincent Voillat, Noémie Vulpian, Cyril Zarcone _________

_________ will take part in celebrating the heiwata { launch on Friday, July 1st at the Pavillon des Italiens of the Cité des arts de Montmartre.

Event 0 – Tropisms is the encounter of heiwata { members’ multiple influences. Through bringing together a community of artists, presenting performaces and artworks, this launch reflects the woven bonds created in past years as well as the present. (



heiwata { is an agency which conceives, produces, broadcasts and supports projects within the field of contemporary art..

As an adjustable and mobile curatorial organization, heiwata { explores new processes of connection without one fixed location.
It consists in the pooling of its creators and its correspondents’ visions, following their respective paths.

Depending on the contexts, heiwata { includes:
. Artistic prospection shared on an editorial platform
. Respective and common curatorial projects of its members
. Skill-sharing involved in the development of projects for institutions and artists

heiwata { was founded in 2016 by Elsa Delage (Toronto), Alma Saladin (New York) and Aurélie Vandewynckele (Mexico City) as well as Louise Eliade (Paris), editorial correspondent.


For more infor, see heiwata {.

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