Residency Unlimited

Youngho Lee

Flip Flap Logo - Film Machine, 2012, Installation with 16mm Film loop, color, sound 4’15”, mirror, wood construction
Artist Name: Youngho Lee
Residency Dates: October – November
Born: 1979
Hometown: Seoul, Korea
Lives & Works: Berlin, Germany and Seoul, Korea
Education: received meisterschulerin by Prof.Simon Starling in Staatliche Hochschule fuer Bildende Kuenste Staedelschule in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 2006

Bio / Statement:

Youngho Lee is inspired by digging through visual devices, film, and social history, which she recombines or restructures within her installation works. In her installations, Lee seeks to create personal fantasy theater spaces that arouse excitement for the experience of time and space, and the familiar and unfamiliar. The identification of new relationships between the digital medium and human senses through the development of  synesthetic environments is a main focus in her practice.

Youngho Lee was most recenly participating in the Fellowship Program at Apex Art, New York, She has participated in the Seoul Art Space Geumcheon Residency, South Korea (2016-2017), Asia Culture Center/ACT Creator Residency, South Korea (2015-2016), Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen, NRW, Germany (2011), and took part in various exhibitions including Kunstforum Floesheim, Anita Becker Galerie, Staedelmuseum, Arko Art center, Daegue Museum, and Asia Culture Center.

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