Residency Unlimited

Joshua Nierodzinski

2016, Oil on canvas, 60 x 72 inches
Artist Name: Joshua Nierodzinski
Residency Dates: March – May
Born: 1982
Hometown: Worcester, MA, USA
Lives & Works: Brooklyn, NY
URL: http://www.nierodzinski.comRecent exhibitions include Vanishing Point, at Van Vessem Gallery in Rhode Island, Below Shepherd’s Hill at the Russell Industrial Center in Detroit, and Sofia Underground – International Performance Art Festival at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria. His work has been published in Looking at Painting Vol.2, a UK-based magazine focused on contemporary painting, and Paint Pulse Magazine, New York. Joshua received the Smucker Wagstaff Scholarship award and was nominated for the Dedalus Foundation MFA Scholarship. He has been an artist in residence at the Sam and Adele Golden Foundation, and the Wassaic Residency in NY.

Listen to the interview with the artist here.


Education: 2015 MFA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2005 BFA, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth; 2004 Mediterranean Studies Program, University of Messina, Sicily; West African Drum and Dance Studies Program, Anyako, Ghana

Bio / Statement:

Joshua Nierodzinski is an artist working in the expanded field of painting. His paintings and installations investigate representation, perception, and empathy through augmented materiality and multi-sensory presentation strategies.

His work is characterized by an uncanny familiarity that alludes to Surrealism as well as photo-based painting. His compositions originate from a personal archive of photography and objects. These sources suggest stories that become transformed by the act of painting as presented in Forensic Painting series. Here artist collaborated with the Williamstown Art Conservation Center in Williamstown, Massachusetts using photographic techniques that select specific frequencies of light, providing us with the insight into the history of a painted surface, revealing hidden imagery. The finished painting is an unexpected image that taps into the collective memory of art history and culture as well as the artist’s personal relationships.


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