Residency Unlimited

Flávia Dalla Bernardina

Curator Name: Flávia Dalla Bernardina
Residency Dates: August 2024
Born: 1979
Hometown: Vitoria, Brazil
Lives & Works: Vitoria, Brazil
URL:  | Instagram: @flaviadalla  | Linktree
Gallery: Matias Brotas
2020 | Master in Visual Arts by the Graduate Program in Arts at Federal University of Espírito Santo
2013 | Postgraduate in Art & Culture at UCAM-Universidade Cândido Mendes
2002 | Bachelor of Law, University of Vila Velha-UVV/Vila Velha-ES


Flávia Dalla Bernardina is an independent curator and intellectual property attorney based in the southeast of Brazil. As a curator, her practice covers curating exhibitions, holding art events, producing artist’s books, assessing and following up artists and writing art critiques. Flavia also manages and writes for an art column at a local newspaper Arte + at Folha Vitoria.

As a lawyer, her 18-year practice involves legal advisory services for creative businesses, artists and creators, concerning trademark, industrial design, author’s rights and trade dress, performing services such as registration, extrajudicial procedures, and counterfeiting lawsuits.

As the art director at Matias Brotas art gallery, Flávia works on the annual schedule of events, follow-up of the represented artists, writing critical essays for exhibitions, strategic thinking for art fairs and creating approaches between the public and contemporary art, in actions such as incentivizing art collections, promoting art trips, and short courses.

As a researcher, she focused her master dissertation on appropriation in contemporary art, zeroing in on the works of artists Adrian Piper and Zoe Leonard. As a senior researcher at GEDAI, in Parana Federal University, Flávia studies topics that put together law and art issues.


Support: Flávia Dalla Bernardina’s residency is made possible with the support from SECULT – Culture State Secretary of Espirito Santo State.

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