Residency Unlimited

Arghavan Khosravi + Keren Benbensity Awarded 2019 Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant

We are thrilled to share that RU Alumna, Arghavan Khrosavi has been awarded a 2019 Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant.

The Joan Mitchell Foundation  annual Painters & Sculptors Grant provides 25 artists with $25,000 each in unrestricted funds. This years recipients are:

Anila Quayyum Agha, Indianapolis, IN
Morehshin Allahyari, Brooklyn, NY
Candida Alvarez, Chicago, IL
Frida Baranek, Coral Gables, FL
Debra Baxter, Santa Fe, NM
Keren Benbenisty, New York, NY
Paul Stephen Benjamin, Atlanta, GA
Juan William Chávez, Saint Louis, MO
Jamal Cyrus, Houston, TX
Patricia Fernández Carcedo, Los Angeles, CA
Lauren Halsey, Los Angeles, CA
Andrea Heimer, Ferndale, WA
Suzanne Jackson, Savannah, GA
Baseera Khan, Brooklyn, NY
Arghavan Khosravi, Natick, MA
Candice Lin, Altadena, CA
Daniel Lind-Ramos, Loíza, Puerto Rico
Cannupa Hanska Luger, Glorieta, NM
Gabriel Martinez, Houston, TX
Wardell Milan, New York, NY
Young Min Moon, Amherst, MA
Kate Newby, Brooklyn, NY
Shikeith, Pittsburgh, PA
Salman Toor, New York, NY
Lien Truong, Chapel Hill, NC

In addition to the financial support, grant recipients become eligible to apply for residencies at the Joan Mitchell Center in New Orleans and gain access to a network of arts professionals, who can provide consultations on career development and financial management. The Painters & Sculptors Grants program was first launched 26 years ago, with the vision to both nurture artistic endeavor and provide critical support for the real-life needs of working artists. Since then more than 500 artists—at varying stages of their careers and from 46 states as well as Puerto Rico—have received Painters & Sculptors Grants. The Foundation’s commitment to providing this type of unrestricted support reflects our belief in empowering artists to make decisions that will advance their careers and fulfills artist Joan Mitchell’s wish to provide artists with the time and means to both explore and create new work.

To be eligible for a grant, artists are nominated by artist peers and arts professionals selected from throughout the US. Nominated artists are invited to submit applications, and the grant recipients are chosen through a multi-phase jurying process. The final selections for the grants are made with a particular eye toward artists whose work has contributed to important artistic and cultural discourse and who deserve greater recognition on a national level.

For more information click here.

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