Residency Unlimited


Date: Friday, July 26 8 pm
Location: Hošek Contemporary
nearby Fischerinsel 3
10179 Berlin
+49 1525 7486496

Hosek Contemporary is pleased to invite you to an art performance by Ivana IvkovicI only want to love me’.

The boat on the water, which is flowing and not stable as the earth, gives the feeling of the place of temporary safety. As in some kind of bubble, a whole different world exists there freely, in parallel to the official norms of the majority outside. The performance I only want to love me is inspired by the works of German filmmaker and author Rainer Werner Fassbinder and also recalling the period of Berlin’s history, the thirties, gay clubbing…. In the movies of R.W.Fassbinder, the ideological and poetic dualism is consciously built, and even the most valuable aspects of his works need to be considered always from a more current perspective.

From the queer approach, derived from poststructural and postmodern theories, Fassbinder’s movies are neither direct criticism nor the rejection of the gay liberation policy – they stand alongside them. This position implies the understanding of sexual identity as a social role, a performance articulated in relation to public cultural discourse, providing resistance to the norms imposed by a moral majority. That is exactly the main aspect of the work I only want to love me and the reason why this performance is a homage to the great author and thinker. Also, queer context of this work is not reserved for homosexual identity, but for those who do not feel comfortable in socially determined frames. This performance aims to function as a mirror reflecting social pathologies, allowing the viewer to notice the connection between changes in social power structures and the constant transformation of sexual roles/identities in individuals. It’s not about the answers but about the process of confrontation – every viewer must find them by herself/himself. Identity questions and issues – personal, sexual, poetical always remain open, fluid, subject to unexpected changes. Nothing is stable, everything is in constant flow and that’s why the type of media in which this is expressed is an ephemeral experience of performance.

*the title of the work is inspired by television movie written and directed by Fassbinder in 1976 – I Only Want You to Love Me (Ich will doch nur, daß ihr mich liebt).

The event will be held alongside the opening of an exhibition Andrés Senra – We are here, we are queer.

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