Opening: 11 June 2018, 7-10 pm
Exhibition: 12–17 June 2018; daily 10 am–7 pm, Sunday until 6 pm
Public Tours: daily 4–5 pm
Admission: free and open to the public
Location: Messe Basel, Hall 3 CH-4058 Basel
Swiss Art Awards are part of Switzerland’s oldest and most renowned art competition – the Schweizer Kunstwettbewerb (Swiss Art Competition). Organized annually by the Swiss Federal Office for Culture since 1899, the exhibition offers insight into current art and architecture making in Switzerland and is a valuable index for art professionals and lovers.
2018 Awardees:
Alfredo Aceto
Camille Alena
Mitchell Anderson
Nicolas Cilins
Chloe Delarue
Guillaume Dénervaud
Annina Frehner
Frédéric Gabioud
Louisa Gagliardi
Gabriele Garavaglia
Nelly Haliti
Tarik Hayward
Susanne Hefti
Dunya Duke
Jean-Christophe Huguenin
Daniel Robert Hunziker
Maureen Kaegi
Georg Keller
Esther Kempf
Dominique Koch
Ariane Koch & Sarina Scheidegger
Vincent Kriste
real Madrid
Sarah Margnetti
Marius Margot
Michael Meier & Rico Scagliola
Reto Müller
Garrett Nelson
Sophie Nys
Simon Paccaud
Gregory Parma Smith
Bianca Pedrina
Gil Pellaton
Maja Rieder
Tanja Roscic
Bea Schlingelhoff
Bertold Stallmach
Batia Suter
Ramaya Tegegne
Markus Weggenmann
Pedro Wirz
Sinae Yoo
Jean Michel Baconnier
Nicolas Brulhart & Sylvain Menétrey
Eric Emery (zqm)
Elise Lammer
Nadine Olonetzky
Brigham Baker
Thomas Baumgartner
Silas Heizmann
Flora Klein
Martina Mächler
Marie Matusz
Nastasia Meyrat
Valentina Minnig
Sveta Mordovskaya
Rhona Mühlebach
Sabrina Röthlisberger
Mia Sanchez
Dorian Sari
Rafal Skoczek
Axelle boots
Arnaud Wohlhauser
Yony Santos
Antonio Scarponi
Schneider Türtscher