Residency Unlimited

Thibault Brunet’s work featured in “Well played”

Well played
January 27, 2018 – March 4, 2018
Old factory
Klaus-Gebert-Strasse 5
CH – 8640 Rapperswil
Tel. +41 55 225 74 74

The human and his avatar

From the scene of joyful dissolution of boundaries to the experimental field for “real” life: the game is a multifaceted cultural technique. Although it forms its own virtual realm of reality, the game has a real impact on people and society. WELL PLAYED tells of the relationship between player and character and asks to what extent the ego in the game is not something else, but has something to do with me. From the imagined alter ego in shadow boxing to the disguised cosplayers and furries to the character in the video game: Man stands in a tense relationship between the world of play and reality.

Works by Thibault Brunet, Alan Butler, collectif_fact, Joseph DeLappe, Katja Loher, Gabriela Spoon, Miltos Manetas, Shusha Niederberger, Klaus Pichler, Christian Rothacher, Remo Stoller, Pilvi Takala and Fernando Villela

Vernissage: Friday, January 26th, 7pm

To the accompanying program

Flyer for download

The exhibition is supported by:
Ernst and Olga Gubler-Hablützel Foundation
City Bern
Culture Canton Bern

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