Residency Unlimited

David Helbich in “Immersion”at Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin

Schule der Distanz No. 1

One central aspect of experiencing immersion is a shift from being a distanced observer to becoming a co-producer in the situation. Habitual safety gaps disappear; more than ever before, art can be touched, shaped and influenced. And all this in settings created by artists – settings which the audience can enter and make their own.

But immersion is not confined to experiencing art; it also describes a way of perceiving the world in an era where our environment is increasingly digitalised. Digital data, images and sounds surround our lives, structuring our everyday rules to an ever greater extent. In the age of Big Data, however, we are no longer users; instead, we are used by the data itself. Algorithms organise our lives and know what we want even before we have given it any thought.

For Schule der Distanz No.1, which will take place at Martin-Gropius-Bau from 18 to 20 November 2016, artists and academics will develop new input on issues of proximity and distance in immersive times. They render visible what usually remains concealed. They modify seemingly inalterable rules. And they create spaces for divergent thought. Deep into the night, there will be performances, lectures and installations; in hidden stairwells, rarely accessible nooks and high above the roofs of the city. Schule der Distanz thus becomes a venue for shared time, where a wide range of creative and academic input allows for new processes of realisation.

David Helbich
“Be there, do this – visitor scores”
Performance/Installation, 18.–20.11.2016

“Be there, do this” is a choreographic-installative series for the public sphere by the Brussels-based artist David Helbich. He calls his scores “self-performative” arrangements and sequences. They invite us to see physical co-presence in rooms as an active mode: Do something (if you want to)! Sharing a space always means acting with each other in a choreographic way. But: How do rules emerge? What is the relationship between playing and discipline? And to what extent do rooms predetermine our actions? Helbich renders explicit what usually stays hidden. In his “self-performative” interventions, he tries to overwrite architectural conditions and thereby to create spaces for choreographic possibilities.

Additionally, David’s book “Belgian solutions Vol.2” will be launched in Brussels on November 25.


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