Residency Unlimited

“Deep Time Séance: Contamination,” curated by Jenni Nurmenniemi

The second chapter of the séance curated by Jenni Nurmenniemi takes place in Helsinki, Oct 18, at KIASMA Theatre!

Deep Time Séance: Contamination
Date: Sun 18.10. at 15
Location: Kiasma Theatre
Duration: approximately two hours
Tickets: 15/10 euros

Deep Time Séance: Contamination is a gathering that meditates the circulation and slow accumulation of manmade toxins, the increasing pollution of our everyday surroundings, of places that feel distant to us and of our bodies.

In the early years of the 20th century, a séance signified a ritualistic session for communicating with the spiritual world. This séance, however, is a performative installation that collides rational and magical tactics in order to encounter the pervasive uncertainty of our contemporary reality. Various artistic means are merged ranging from video art, improvised live music, circulating sculptural objects to choreography and reiki healing.

Deep Time Séance includes a site-specific video installation and live music performance by Matti Ahopelto (Siinai) and Tuomas A. Laitinen, circulating energy objects and text by Jaakko Pallasvuo, choreography by Laura Jantunen and a reiki session conducted by Pia Lindman. The séance is curated by Jenni Nurmenniemi (HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme) as part of Frontiers in Retreat (2013–2018), a multidisciplinary project around contemporary art and ecology.

Working Group: Matti Ahopelto (Siinai) & Tuomas A. Laitinen: video, music; Jaakko Pallasvuo: energy objects, text; Pia Lindman: reiki; Laura Jantunen: choreography; Jenni Nurmenniemi: curation

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