Residency Unlimited

Sonya Schönberger ‘SCHLÜSSELÜBERGABE'(Key Delivery) opens July 11th at ADN Pförtnerhaus

ADN Pförtnerhaus presents #9:


opening: Friday July 11th 2014, 7 pm

Sonya Schönberger`s work for the ADN Pförtnerhaus symbolically reflects the power and influence of the gatekeeper within a system of control. Simultaneously, her installation visualizes the loss of this predominant position due to the loss of a political system. Sonya Schönberger`s show SCHLÜSSELÜBERGABE / KEY DELIVERY will be the last one in Berlin on the terrain of the FAHRBEREITSCHAFT – and therefore gives a very distinct connotation to the chosen title.

Functionally designed in typical simple GDR-uniformed-design. 2 square meters straightforward (including the smell of linoleum) for full control. The unit-GDR-gate or control house, which became a mass product in the 1970ies, was still in the middle of the 90ies a reminder of a compulsion of architectural control in public space of the GDR. Especially in East Berlin those aluminum huts where positioned behind or in front of nearly every ministry or authority building to control people and personnel with or without vehicles.
The employees of the Allgemeine Deutsche Nachrichtendienst (ADN, Public German News Service) could also use a guarded parking site which was also equipped with a gatehouse at the entrance and exit. The gatehouse of the ADN is the only leftover GDR control house in the public space of East Berlin.

Since September 2013, the gatehouse moved to the lot of the former vehicle pool of the central committee (ZK) of the Socialistic Union Party (SED) in Berlin-Lichtenberg. The area “FAHRBEREITSCHAFT” purchased through the collectors couple Haubrok is an ideal as well as paradox place for the project “ADN Pförtnerhaus”. Here it functions as a temporary exhibition space/cabinet for ten invited artists. Installations, interventions or performances which are dealing with the legacy of the GDR, governmental control in general and comment on the change of public space in Berlin and its constant transformation are presented.

Further information about the history and past exhibitions of the ADN Pförtnerhaus can be found in the attachement as well as under

Finissage haubrok projects Friday, July 11th 2014, 5 – 8 pm

the distance between me and you:
Michael Asher, Martin Creed, Morgan Fisher, On Kawara, Jonathan Monk, Stephen Prina, Karin Sander, Andreas Slominski, Ian Wilson

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