Residency Unlimited

Veit Stratmann: The Muhlenberg Floor – Baker Center for the Arts, Muhlenberg College

Veit Stratmann: The Muhlenberg Floor

March 12 – April 12, 2014
Reception: March 12, 4:30 – 6:00pm

Working with his design plan of 224 circular elements, Stratmann covers the floor of the Martin Art Gallery.  Each circle is approximately 32” in diameter and topped with two different shades of carpet symmetrically separated by a thin aluminum strip. Guided by the metal strip, no two elements are oriented in the same direction. They also are juxtaposed to maximize color contrast.

Each element is large enough for two people to stand on simultaneously.  Visitors are encouraged to walk on them and wander throughout the gallery.  Decision making and questions will arise.  Simply look at the elements, or walk on them?  If a viewer chooses to walk on them, is he now part of the installation, or still a viewer?  When multiple visitors are in the gallery, how do they move to accommodate each other? (

more info here:,6988,en.html

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