Residency Unlimited

Rodrigo Braga and Marcia Xavier win ICCo / SP-Arte Artist-in-Residence

Os jurados Boshko Boscovic (Residency Unlimited), Elisa Byington (Esthia) e Daniel Rangel (ICCo) e os vencedores Marcia Xavier (Roma) e Rodrigo Braga (Nova York) das Bolsas de Residência Artística ICCo-SP-Arte 2013 — with Residency Unlimited, Esthia, Daniel Rangel, Marcia Xavier and Rodrigo Braga at Sp-Arte 2013.

RU is proud to a announce its participation in the selection of Rodrigo Braga and Marcia Xavier, winners of  ICCo / SP-Arte Artist-in-Residence Grants in 2013

Rodrigo, born in Manaus and currently living in Rio, will go to New York, while Marcia, originally from Minas Gerias but now living in São Paulo, will go to Rome

ICCo (Instituto de Cultura Contemporânea) and SP-Arte released a statement today (April 4, 2013) to announce the winners of two artist-in-residence grants, one in New York and the other in Rome, in the second semester of 2013. The artists were signed up for the grant by their galleries and are currently exhibiting their work at SP-Arte, the international art fair taking place until April 7 in Ibirapuera Park, in São Paulo.

The winners are Rodrigo Braga (Manaus, 1976), who currently lives and works in Rio, and Marcia Xavier (Belo Horizonte, 1967), who resides in São Paulo. The grants cover the costs of airfare, lodging, food and a per diem, and will last from one to two months, depending on the artist’s project, throughout a period to be defined by mutual agreement between the artist and the host institution.

Rodrigo Braga will be hosted by RU (Residency Unlimited) of New York. He was signed up for the grant by two galleries: Vermelho, of São Paulo, and Amparo 60 of Recife. Marcia Xavier will be hosted by Esthia, in Rome. Her enrollment for the grant was made by Galeria Triângulo, of São Paulo.

This year, 105 artists from 28 galleries competed for the ICCo / SP-Arte artist-in-residence grants. The commission that chose the winners consisted of the artistic director of ICCo, Daniel Rangel, the programming director of Residency Unlimited, Boshko Boskovic, and curator Elisa Byington, representing Esthia.

This grant inaugurates ICCo’s residency program, which offers grants that allow artists and curators to spend time abroad in an experience focused on reflection, studies, creation and/or networking, fostering the expansion of their work.

ICCo is a public interest civil society organization (OSCIP) headquartered in São Paulo. Founded in 2009, it holds cultural actions in partnerships with other institutions in Brazil and around the world, and is headed by businesswoman and collector Regina Pinto de Almeida. The actions already carried out by ICCo include the production of the exhibitions by Carlito Carvalhosa and Mauro Restife now underway in the annex of the Museu de Arte Contemporânea of USP, in the former Detran Building, as well as the seminar and book Historicidade e Arte Contemporânea, organized by Sônia Salzstein and João Bandeira, in a partnership with the School of Communication and Art of the Universidade de São Paulo and the Centro Universitário Maria Antonia. SP-Arte is the largest art fair in Latin America and is held annually at the Bienal Pavilion at Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo.

Rodrigo Braga
Rodrigo Braga was born in Manaus in 1976, lived in Recife, where he graduated with a degree in visual arts from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), and currently lives and works in Rio. He has works in the collections of the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio (Coleção Gilberto Chateaubriand), the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, the Museu de Arte Moderna Aloisio Magalhães (MAMAM) of Pernambuco, the Museu de Arte Contemporânea of Paraná, and the Maison Européene de La Photographie of Paris, as well as other institutions.

His work transits between performance, photography and video, often playing a leading role in works that bear a strong relationship with nature. Braga participated in the most recent editions of the Bienal de São Paulo and the Bienal de Cerveira, in Portugal. In 2012 he won the Pipa Visual Arts Prize in the Popular Vote Exhibition category. Braga’s stint as an artist-in-residence will take place at the RU institute, in the borough of Brooklyn, New York.

Marcia Xavier
Marcia Xavier was born in 1967 in Belo Horizonte and currently lives and works in São Paulo, where she graduated with a degree in visual communication from the Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (Faap). She began her career in the 1980s with self-portraits shot with a Polaroid camera.

Marcia works with photography, objects and installations in which she creates private universes by distorting the reality of images with mirrors, lenses, metals and translucent materials like water, PET bottles, plastics and glass. Her stint as an artist-in-residence will take place at the Esthia Institute, in Rome.

The artist-in-residence concept
The purpose of an artist-in-residence program is to give artists, academics, curators and other creative people a time and space far from their normal environment and everyday obligations. The residency is a period for reflection, research, presentation and/or production. It also allows the individual to meet new people, to use new materials, and to experience an immersion in another culture, realizing a cultural exchange.

Museums, cultural institutions, universities, galleries, theaters, festivals and governments can offer residency programs. There are also organizations created specifically for supporting residency programs, as is the case of the partnerships of the ICCo / SP-Arte Grant.
RU tailors each residency according to the resident’s objectives, supporting the realization of short-term projects as well as the advancement of long-term career goals. The resident benefits from creative, technical and logistic support, makes visits to studios, participates in events and activities, and makes contact with the New York art world. RU operates in partnership with other institutions in and around New York.

Esthia is a cultural association dedicated to supporting young artists in Rome and abroad, offering the possibility to exhibit their works to an interested public, thus fostering encounters that can result in new projects and the artists’ consequent growth.

The ICCo / SP-Arte Artistic Residency Grant

A partnership between ICCo (Instituto de Cultura Contemporânea – and SP-Arte (, in conjunction with Residency Unlimited-RU ( and Esthia (

For more information, contact Thaís Maltauro
Tel +55 11 3811-9264 or 2389-8543 Cell +55 11 963-095-106
ICCo – Instituto de Cultura Contemporânea –

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