Residency Unlimited

Eve K. Tremblay & Marie Losier at MLAB NYC Premiere

MLAB Premieres at Stephen Stoyanov Gallery
29 orchard street, new york city, ny
September 12-24, 2010
Mobile Literacy Arts Bus (MLAB) has been invited to be curbside at 29 Orchard Street for ten days featuring gallery exhibition on the bus, as well as educational and community programming, performances, art conversations and radio.
MLAB is an artist-run renovated 1984 RV, designed and built in 2007 by artist Marion Wilson in collaboration with 10 art and architecture students at Syracuse University.
Featured artists and writers include Michael Burkard, Daniel Pepice, Elana Herzog, Samantha Harmon, Zach Seibold, Michael Heagerty (!!!ToTs!!!) , Marion Wilson, Eve Mosher, Nadiexli Hall, Melanie Cohn, Tatfoo, Laundromat Project, Say Yes to Education & Paul Sargent.
Video series curated by Natalia Mount.
With works from Marie Losier,   Daniel Pepice, and Eve K. Tremblay.
Cet Air la by Marie Losier
2010, 16mm, 3 min, B& W.
With April March and Julien Gasc.
Cet Air la is a famous french song from 1963, sung live by NY singer April March in acapela with Julien Gasc. The couple is singing while flying over a superimposed 16mm projection of a stop motion animation of a series of clouds, birds, bubbles, smoke machines and glitters…the song has the texture of a dream.Part of Special Features by Residency Unlimited – Kumukumu Gallery Jan 2010Tu ments, by Marie Losier
2010, 16mm, 3min, color, screened on video.
With April March. Tony Conrad and Flux Factory. Song composed byertrand Burgala and sung by April March Musical with music, musicians, muses and fishes on a giant ferry,
thirty dancers and a fairy singer April March.

“What a brilliant explosion of brilliance! Brilliant colors! Brilliant music! Brilliant costumes! Brilliant casting! I shall cherish this masterpiece forever!” Guy Maddin- 2010.

Sunset Strip by Daniel Pepice
single channel video , 5:14mins
MAX by Eve K. Tremblay
Maxime MachaidzeFeaturing:
Maya Sumbadze


Frantiska & Tim Gillian
Stuart Ringlet
Lanie Stedman
Andrea Bikle
Mark Miele
Luca Miele
Catriona Grant
Christoph Büchel
Adam Szymczyk
Xylem Aldogan
Sonia Feldmeier
Boris Schibler
Anna Bonanza
Eve K. Tremblay

With thanks to:

Iaab, Christof Merian Stiftung
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Ruth Walther
Martin Stumpf

Music Credits:
Nepalm bohemia (pub Pistols)
Ooh lala

One Record 1998
Mercury Records

Girl Eats Boy
The Wiseguys

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