Residency Unlimited

Sara Gassmann

acrylic, acrylicspray, ink on cotton
Artist Name: Sara Gassmann
Residency Dates: February – July
Born: 1980
Hometown: Dagmersellen, Lucerne, CH
Lives & Works: Basel, CH
URL: http://www.saragassmann.chSara Gassmann exhibits internationally. Recent solo shows include Space One, Seoul KR (2015); Stadtgalerie, Bern CH (2014); akku, Emmenbrücke CH (2014); la Placette, Lausanne CH (2013); Galerie Krethlow Bern CH (2012). Recent group shows include Centre d’art contemporain, Yverdon-les-bains CH (2016); Kunstmuseum Thun CH (2015); Seoul Art Space Geumcheon Seoul KR (2015); 2014, Kunstmuseum Luzern CH; Kunsthalle Basel CH; “Inside – Out Art Museum Beijing” C; Kunsthaus Langenthal CH. She has also showsn at Centre Pasquart Bienne CH), Galeria Daniel Moron, Providencia CL, Kunstpavillion München, Duplex Genève CH. Awards and Residencies include Swatch Art Peace Hotel Shanghai CN (2016) and Art Space Geumcheon Seoul Kr (2015).

Education: MA Contemporary Arts Practice, Hochschule der Künste Bern (CH); BA in Visual Arts, Haute École d’Art et de Design Genève (CH); BA in Fine Arts, Hochschule Kunst und Design Luzern (CH); Foundation Class Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences Alfter Bonn (Germany); Studies in Political Science, Universität Bern (CH); Università di Bologna (Italy)

Bio / Statement:

“As an artist, I have an inner yearning to gain new insights. This implies the non-understanding and non-recognition of the world: At first sight, I can’t recognize the process; I can see connections often only with distance. My process is a relationship with time and geography which I compare to a zoom lens, navigating from the macro structure then zooming out to reach the micro view”.

Gassmann creates process-oriented paintings, objects and installations which operate on similar principles as when shapes, colours, and materials interact with each other. Her works can be related to poems or music covering a wide range of sounds from “subtle, loud and disturbing dissonances to reflective moods and daytime light situations.”

Swiss Artist Talk interview series conducted by the Consulate General of Switzerland featuring Sara Gassmann.

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