Residency Unlimited

Ryan Kuo

2014, Software, game controller, projection screen, 110" x 62"
Artist Name: Ryan Kuo
Residency Dates: June – August
Born: 1982
Hometown: Elkins, WV
Lives & Works: New York, NY

URL:                                                                                                                                                                                      Education: M.S. Art, Culture and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2014); A.B., History of Art and Architecture, Harvard College (2004)

Bio / Statement:

Ryan Kuo uses digital tools and text to articulate works caught in a state of argument. Voices compete and images are led to vibrate against themselves, utilizing techniques borrowed from agile process management, video games, web design, motion graphics and sample-based rave music. Doubt emerges from recursive scenarios in which words, renderings and relations are dislocated in search of new positions. The aim is to meaningfully interrupt signifying processes, his recent interests being workflows and whiteness.

Among his current projects, Ryan maintains File, a hypertext process work collected by Left Gallery (Berlin) and based on his experience as a technical writer for a technology company. File is a counterpoint for an artist’s book in progress, File: A User’s Manual, modeled after consumer guides for software power users and functioning as a process manifesto.

His work has most recently been featured at Spike Art Quarterly (Berlin), Goldsmiths (London), Art Journal Open (New York), Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts (Cambridge, MA), Boston Cyberarts (Boston), MIT Media Lab (Cambridge, MA), Front/Space (Kansas City), and Minibar (Stockholm).

Here you can findRyan Kuo’s most recent essay published by Art Journal Open. 

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